Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Swimming Pool Outlet Sudoku, Ep.2

(Published on 29. October 2019, 10:00 by gjchangmu)

Classic sudoku rules apply. There are multiple outlets outside the border of the grid. For each 9 in the grid, there must be at least one path that:
- starts at the 9;
- ends at a cell horizontally or vertically adjacent to an outlet;
- travels horizontally or vertically but NOT diagonally;
- numbers along the path must be in strict decreasing order.

As an example:

Solution code: row 4, followed by column 8.

Last changed on -

Solved by Luigi, Statistica, sloffie, jessica6, ch1983, Joe Average, pokerke, Zzzyxas, rimodech, tuace, marcmees, jirk, Thomster, Julianl, Rollo, kishy72, zuzanina, Uhu, dm_litv, Ours brun, moss, StefanSch, ManuH, sf2l, zorant, NikolaZ, Eldad, cdwg2000, ildiko
Full list


on 18. July 2023, 07:13 by uvo_mod
Added Sudoku tag.

on 1. November 2019, 13:47 by Rollo
Ganz schön knifflig :-)

on 30. October 2019, 19:04 by marcmees
Fan of S.P.O.S. Very nice

on 29. October 2019, 11:32 by Statistica
Flüssiger logischer Lösungsweg. Sehr schön.

Rating:85 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:7 times

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