WSC Training: Biggest Neighbours Sudoku
(Published on 4. October 2019, 15:21 by JonaS2010)
A practice puzzle for this year's WSC.
Rules: Place the numbers 1 to 9 excactly once into each row, column and 3x3 block. If there are arrows in a cell, they point to all biggest numbers in the four orthogonally adjacent cells.
Solution code: Row 2, Row 6
Solved by lutzreimer, gjchangmu, marcmees, Thomster, jirk, Carolin, Nothere, swotty, Matt, flaemmchen, Luigi, Julianl, ch1983, KlausRG, dm_litv, skywalker, WAW, adam001, saskia-daniela, AnnaTh, Realshaggy, ... pin7guin, zuzanina, uvo, Ragna, sf2l, ffricke, sinchai4547, sandmoppe, t12345678, cdwg2000, Sedho, ildiko, Errorandy, misko, Erwin, Greg, EKBM, bergelfe, vmirandaa, Raistlen, marsigel, dendrobium
on 24. October 2019, 11:23 by StefanSch
Eine sehr schöne Variante!
on 6. October 2019, 23:23 by Realshaggy
Endlich darf ich auch mal eins lösen :-)