Each color corresponds to a different number. Find the
corresponding numbers and obtain a valid skyscrapers puzzle to solve. Here is the definition of a skyscrapers puzzle:
Skyscrapers: Insert number from 1 to n, in each cell so that no digits repeats in any row or column. Each number in the grid represents the height of a building. The clues
outside of the grid indicate how many buildings can be seen when looking from the corresponding direction. Higher buildings block the view of the smaller buildings. n
corresponds to the size of the grid.
Solution code: Row 5, followed by column 9.
on 14. September 2019, 23:18 by zhergan
Thanks Gabi:)
on 14. September 2019, 15:00 by ibag
Thank you for this beautiful series and - a bit too late - happy birthday!
on 7. September 2019, 17:33 by Thomster
Thank you for adding the encrypted version!
on 7. September 2019, 03:08 by zhergan
Letter encrypted version of the image is loaded and also the missing crypto puzzle icon is added.
on 6. September 2019, 22:23 by zhergan
I'm away from my PC now. When I turn back I'll try to add the crypted versions of the images for all three. Thanks Rollo for crypted text version.
on 6. September 2019, 18:52 by Rollo
Perhaps this may help you:
..-D--E---- F
A -----BG-F D
C -H-IG--F- D
D ---E----- C
B -----D--- C
D -G-AF-B-- A
D -I----C-- B
C A-D----E- A
F -C---H---
on 6. September 2019, 18:02 by Thomster
Thank you very much for the puzzle, but I can't even start...:/ On my screen, it looks like around 10 to 12 different colours. How many are there supposed to be? Could you maybe please change the picture to make it more distinguishable?
on 3. September 2019, 08:39 by AnnaTh
on 2. September 2019, 16:29 by Mody
Very nice, colours instead of Krypto :)
on 31. August 2019, 18:58 by zhergan
Thanks a lot. I'm glad you liked them :)
on 31. August 2019, 10:56 by Joe Average
Happy birthday and thank you for the great puzzles.
on 30. August 2019, 23:09 by zhergan
Thanks:)) Both for greetings and for solving..
on 30. August 2019, 10:12 by Alex
Happy Birthday!!
on 30. August 2019, 00:56 by zhergan
A small typo on the puzzle image has been corrected..