Each color corresponds to a different number. Find the
corresponding numbers and obtain a valid skyscrapers puzzle to solve. Here is the definition of a skyscrapers puzzle:
Skyscrapers: Insert number from 1 to n, in each cell so that no digits repeats in any row or column. Each number in the grid represents the height of a building. The clues
outside of the grid indicate how many buildings can be seen when looking from the corresponding direction. Higher buildings block the view of the smaller buildings. n
corresponds to the size of the grid.
Solution code: Row 4, followed by column 7.
on 7. September 2019, 03:04 by zhergan
Letter encrypted version of the image is loaded and also the missing crypto puzzle icon is added.
on 31. August 2019, 07:44 by zhergan
Thank you :)
on 31. August 2019, 01:28 by zuzanina
Happy birthday!!