Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Search Nine Sudoku

(Published on 21. August 2019, 17:26 by gjchangmu)

I borrowed this variant idea from Sudoku Variants Series (003) by Richard.

Apply classic sudoku rules. Every arrow is pointing at number 9 in the respective row or column. The number in the arrow is the distance (with respect to the number of cells) from the arrow to the 9.

Solution code: Row 8, followed by column 8.

Solved by dm_litv, zuzanina, ibag, Carolin, ch1983, Zzzyxas, Dandelo, Schachus, Joe Average, marcmees, bob, zhergan, Alex, cornuto, flaemmchen, Statistica, Luigi, zorant, saskia-daniela, lutzreimer, Nothere, ... tuace, sandmoppe, derwolf23, rimodech, Ours brun, Realshaggy, pin7guin, Rollie, marsigel, adam001, ildiko, Richard, juventino188, geronimo92, Greg, HolyFracker, panthchesh, t12345678, Raistlen, Crul
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on 11. October 2021, 10:44 by CHalb_mod
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Rating:77 %
Solved:71 times
Observed:8 times

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