Solution code: ?????
on 1. August 2019, 16:53 by flaemmchen
Genial, wie kommt man auf so eine Idee :))
on 26. July 2019, 09:51 by dm_litv
on 17. July 2019, 00:20 by rimodech
wow :) wonderful!!!
on 4. July 2019, 09:08 by JonaS2010
@sf2l: Normally, I don't really like mysteries, too. With this Puzzle, I wanted to create a fair solving path and that you can be sure what the code is, when the puzzle is solved with the right idea. As you can see from the labels, a bit of german language is needed for this. So feel free to just skip this, there are lots of other puzzles on the portal, and my next puzzles will have full instructions as usual.
on 4. July 2019, 05:17 by sf2l
I hate when the Heisenberg principle is applied to solution codes.
on 3. July 2019, 17:25 by Mody
on 3. July 2019, 09:55 by CHalb
Was für ein herrlicher Start in den Tag!
on 3. July 2019, 09:34 by Rollo
:-) :-) :-)
on 3. July 2019, 09:25 by Statistica
Ganz großartig, ein echter Hingucker!
on 2. July 2019, 20:00 by Zzzyxas
Sehr schön.