Solution code: Für jede Zeile von oben nach unten die Länge der längsten Folge von Schwarzfeldern.
on 17. June 2022, 20:47 by Drawoon
Solution Code: For every row from top to bottom, the length of the longest row of black cells.
on 14. December 2020, 17:18 by bob
Finally figured this one out. I see I asked a question a long time ago but unfortunately the puzzle got lost or discarded at some perhaps I can try the advent 2020 puzzle
on 9. February 2020, 15:47 by CHalb
Maybe the English instruction here might help as well:
on 9. February 2020, 12:30 by Dotty
@ibag thanks for your explanation to bob which allow me to understand the rules too. If I understand properly, 2 means there are 2 adjacent black cells in the 4 cells around the number. 1 means 1 of 4 is black. 3 means there are 3. And the other numbers means there are 2 non adjacent black cells, linked by a way of the number indicated of contiguous black cells. Infinity symbol means 2 non adjacent black cells which are not linked.
I'll try it to verify...
on 29. July 2019, 21:58 by ffricke
Hier hab ich etwas länger gebraucht, bis ich die Regeln verstanden habe. Dann war es wirklich schön
on 28. June 2019, 17:11 by Schachus
Diese Rätselart hat echt Potential, finde ich
on 27. June 2019, 06:39 by bob
@ibag: Thank you very much. My German knowledge is getting better (and I have learned a LOT from the portal and the comments) but I mis-translated the first sentence, which seemed to imply that the black squares were all connected to make paths.
on 27. June 2019, 05:54 by ibag
@bob: It's not a coral, because it's not necessarily connected. The infinity symbol means there are two fields around the symbol which are not connected at all. For an example look here in the instruction for the contest, round 4 puzzles 4.10 and 4.11.
on 27. June 2019, 04:12 by bob
So the black squares form a standard coral with no 2x2 areas (since that would create multiple paths)? And no black squares can go next to the infinity symbols (since even one black square is a path)? I am finding this puzzle completely unsolvable and am not sure if I understand the rules correctly. I can't find any other examples.
on 26. June 2019, 22:45 by pwahs