Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (250) - Sudoku X is still alive

(Published on 12. February 2019, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every second Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Sudoku X is still alive
Apply classic sudoku rules. The sums of digits in all cages end with the same digit X. It is part of the puzzle to find the value of X. Digits may not repeat within cages.

Solve online in F-Puzzles (thanks glum_hippo!)

Solution code: Row 6, followed by column 8.

Last changed on on 3. November 2021, 05:46

Solved by Joe Average, Senior, ibag, r45, Voyager, Nothere, Luigi, tuace, rcg, ch1983, azalozni, Statistica, jessica6, flaemmchen, ManuH, sloffie, HaSe, lutzreimer, Carolin, Uhu, marcmees, Julianl, ... Greg, bonked, SirWoezel, Krokant, misko, Danielle, Nick Smirnov, snowyegret, bbutrosghali, Crul, Kulko, apwelho, TomBradyLambeth, Angelo, AMD, Nickyo, OGRussHood, mjozska1985, martin1456
Full list


on 3. November 2021, 05:46 by Richard
Added links for online solving. Thx glum_hippo!

on 23. September 2021, 17:01 by glum_hippo
Online solving link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yhuzpgsc

on 27. April 2020, 09:55 by Workout9
For me Hard but satisfying :)

on 14. February 2019, 16:10 by AnnaTh
Ganz toller Rätselspaß. Vielen Dank auch von mir!

on 14. February 2019, 01:06 by zhergan
Hi Richard. Thanks for the 250th member of the series. It was brilliant :) I hope that many others will come later on..

on 12. February 2019, 13:02 by flaemmchen
Ich kann mich meinen Vorrednern, ähh Vorschreibern nur anschliessen und freue mich auf viele weitere Rätsel :)) Danke!

Last changed on 12. February 2019, 11:26

on 12. February 2019, 11:25 by Statistica
Auch von mir vielen Dank für 250 Sudoku-Perlen! Hoffentlich kommen nochmal so viele :-)

on 12. February 2019, 10:35 by r45
Ich kann mich da Gerhard nur vorbehaltlos anschließen, vielen Dank für diese gigantische Serie.

on 12. February 2019, 02:52 by Senior
Ein großartiges Rätsel in einer großartigen Serie - es ist Zeit für ein 250faches Dankeschön, Richard!

Rating:94 %
Solved:112 times
Observed:16 times

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