Draw a tent or a tree in some empty cells, in such a way that one tree and one tent each can be considered as a pair. Tents do not touch each other, not even diagonally. The hints outside the grid indicate in the correct order which objects occur in the corresponding row or column.
Solution code: The both marked rows, Z for tent, B for tree and - for empty cells.
on 20. March 2019, 19:13 by ibag
Aber jetzt bist Du doch richtig in Form! ;-)
on 20. March 2019, 19:11 by AndreasS
Danke fürs Rätsel. In ungefähr 2-3 Stunden Rätselzeit habe ich es auch geschafft. Macht Mut für die Quali am Samstag :-)
on 16. March 2019, 15:54 by Mody
Eines meiner Lieblingsrätsel (das gab es früher als "Bienchen und Blümchen").
Und wunderbar logisch lösbar