Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM-Qualitraining 2019 (4): Zeltlager-Rekonstruktion

(Published on 13. March 2019, 20:19 by ibag)

Draw a tent or a tree in some empty cells, in such a way that one tree and one tent each can be considered as a pair. Tents do not touch each other, not even diagonally. The hints outside the grid indicate in the correct order which objects occur in the corresponding row or column.

Solution code: The both marked rows, Z for tent, B for tree and - for empty cells.

Last changed on -

Solved by jessica6, Dandelo, Uhu, r45, Luigi, sf2l, Statistica, cornuto, matter, Nothere, Voyager, tuace, adam001, Rollo, ch1983, moss, AnnaTh, Matt, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, pirx, Mody, Thomster, JonaS2010, ... SilBer, pokerke, garganega, Danielle, kopfball, NikolaZ, Mars, dm_litv, bob, Realshaggy, Thomas Meier, ffricke, Mathi, Alex, pin7guin, Quetzal, uvo, misko, synth, rubbeng, brimmy, Dotty, Jesper
Full list


Last changed on 20. March 2019, 19:13

on 20. March 2019, 19:13 by ibag
Aber jetzt bist Du doch richtig in Form! ;-)

on 20. March 2019, 19:11 by AndreasS
Danke fürs Rätsel. In ungefähr 2-3 Stunden Rätselzeit habe ich es auch geschafft. Macht Mut für die Quali am Samstag :-)

on 16. March 2019, 15:54 by Mody
Eines meiner Lieblingsrätsel (das gab es früher als "Bienchen und Blümchen").
Und wunderbar logisch lösbar

Rating:92 %
Solved:64 times
Observed:6 times

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