Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (244) - Outside Consecutive Sudoku

(Published on 20. November 2018, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every second Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Outside Consecutive Sudoku
Apply classic sudoku rules. Clues outside the grid indicate the number of consecutive pairs of digits in the respective row or column.

Inspiriation for this type comes from WSC 2018.

Solve online in F-Puzzles or in CtC-App (thanks Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Row 7, followed by column 8.

Last changed on on 3. November 2021, 06:04

Solved by ibag, zhergan, Senior, dm_litv, r45, Luigi, zorant, Statistica, ch1983, sf2l, sinchai4547, 111chrisi, azalozni, Rollo, Uhu, deu, ManuH, jessica6, KlausRG, Nothere, Carolin, rcg, Julianl, marcmees, ... Danielle, Nick Smirnov, snowyegret, bbutrosghali, CHalb, Kulko, apwelho, Greg, TomBradyLambeth, Angelo, AMD, Nickyo, karen_birgitta, Nylimb, mjozska1985, Just me, juventino188, martin1456, CGeom
Full list


on 3. November 2021, 06:04 by Richard
Added links for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 21. October 2021, 15:09 by Nick Smirnov

CTC App:

on 22. November 2018, 08:50 by WAW

on 21. November 2018, 18:40 by jessica6
@WAW gemeint sind benachbarte Felder mit Differenz 1. Diese dürfen sich auch überlappen, bei 1 2 3 zählt sowohl das 1 2 Paar als auch das 2 3 Paar.

Last changed on 21. November 2018, 16:57

on 21. November 2018, 16:55 by WAW
Zum Verständnis: Heißt es eigentlich deutlicher "Paare aufeinanderfolgender Ziffern"? Und sind die Ziffern dann aufsteigend oder abfallend?

Rating:89 %
Solved:101 times
Observed:18 times

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