Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

WM-Training: Pentomino-Galaxien

(Published on 14. November 2018, 11:45 by berni)

In preparation for this years world puzzle championship I created some training puzzles for the german teams. I'll publish some of them in the oncomming weeks. You can find small examples in the Instruction Booklet for the WPC.

Instructions: Put the 12 pentominoes into empty cells of the diagramm. The pentominos may not touch each other, not even diagonally. The pentominoes may be rotated and reflected. The numbers left and above give the number of cells used by pentominoes and the numbers right and below give the count of pentominoes. All cells not used by pentominoes create a galaxies puzzle.

Solution code: For every row the number of different galaxies.

Solved by Statistica, jessica6, Luigi, Voyager, ibag, Joe Average, dm_litv, r45, ManuH, tuace, rimodech, pokerke, pirx, Zzzyxas, AnnaTh, sf2l, Alex, muhorka, ch1983, zorant, mango, zuzanina, ffricke, NikolaZ, Uhu, matter, ildiko, jirk, moss, Faxi, bob, sandmoppe, kishy72, uvo, cdwg2000, NogBolog, misko, EKBM, Franjo, trashghost, Echatsum, Jesper
Full list


on 27. November 2018, 18:08 by zuzanina
Vielen Dank für die vielen schönen Rätsel! :-)

on 15. November 2018, 10:03 by tuace
Und nochmal klasse! :)

on 15. November 2018, 09:31 by r45
Da schließe ich mich Gabi gerne an, dast hat super viel Spaß gemacht.

on 14. November 2018, 22:48 by ibag
Einfach toll!

on 14. November 2018, 15:09 by Statistica
Sehr hübsch!

Rating:94 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle combination Placement puzzle Dissection puzzle Pentominoes

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