XV-Sudoku, knapp daneben
(Published on 24. October 2018, 14:03 by berni)
Enter numbers from 1 to 9 in every cell of the diagram. In every row, every column and every outlined area, every number has to appear exactly once. If there is a V between two cells with numbers, the sum of the numbers has to be 5. If there is an X between two cells with numbers, the sum of the numbers has to be 10. If there is no sign between two cells with number, none of the two properties above holds.
Note: All hints are knapp daneben, that is, they are one before or one after the symbol, that should be there.
Solution code: The top row.
Solved by r45, Nothere, moss, zhergan, Zzzyxas, Matt, Julianl, saskia-daniela, Statistica, jessica6, dm_litv, flaemmchen, ManuH, marcmees, Luigi, ibag, HaSe, Mathi, Rollo, ildiko, Mody, Mars, tuace, swotty, ... hibye1217, vmirandaa, Paytertot, Drawoon, Just me, Drag0nFly, Citrinate, GeorgeTheToad2, OGRussHood, Crul, rav, Lovejoy , suse, diziet, radium, sockerbecca, PinkNickels, david.woitkowski, Echatsum
on 9. August 2024, 14:30 by PinkNickels
Very nice!
on 20. August 2022, 18:45 by Drawoon
ctc: https://app.crackingthecryptic.com/sudoku/L8jmdmmJP8
on 26. September 2019, 19:33 by Danielle
Last changed on 18. November 2018, 01:24on 18. November 2018, 01:24 by sf2l
VERY clever !
on 26. October 2018, 16:08 by r45
Schön, dass es mal jemand anspricht. ;-))
on 25. October 2018, 19:10 by ibag
Mir gefällts auch! Was einem nicht so alles auffallen kann ...
on 25. October 2018, 09:58 by Statistica
Sehr schön. 'Knapp daneben' gibt doch immer wieder was (neues) her.
on 25. October 2018, 08:02 by Hasenvogel
wieso ist da eine "0" vorgegeben?