Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 1. January 2019, 00:00 by surbier)

Colour Sudoku rules and non-consecutive rules apply.
The same puzzle with coloured cells is shown on the german version page. Solve as you like.

Solution code: row 2

Last changed on -

Solved by sf2l, deu, Matt, r45, Joe Average, flaemmchen, ch1983, Thomster, jirk, Rollo, karzym, ildiko, Luigi, ManuH, Nothere, Zzzyxas, Voyager, pin7guin, Toastbrot, marcmees, zorant, Uhu, tuace, Julianl, ... Alex, dm_litv, rcg, Hasenvogel, lutzreimer, Mars, pokerke, bob, NikolaZ, adam001, cornuto, skywalker, rimodech, Kekes, cdwg2000, Richard, SKORP17, Realshaggy, Greg, Joo M.Y, ParaNox, Raistlen
Full list


on 5. January 2019, 15:46 by ibag
Wie einfach das plötzlich wird, wenn man mal die Regeln liest. ;-))

on 3. January 2019, 15:16 by pin7guin
@Rollo: Danke, ich habe meinen Fehler gefunden.

Rating:79 %
Solved:67 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Computer generated

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