Instructions: Put the 7 tetrominos into empty cells of the diagramm. The tetrominoes may not touch each other, not even diagonally. The tetrominoes may be rotated, but not reflected. The numbers left and above give the number of cells used by tetrominoes and the numbers right and below give the count of tetrominoes. All cells not used by tetrominoes create a galaxies puzzle.
Solution code: For every row the number of different galaxies.
on 3. May 2023, 21:58 by hopppe
Für mich definitiv kein 1-Stern Rätsel...
on 3. May 2023, 21:57 by hopppe
Für mich definitiv kein 2-Stern Rätsel...eher 3 bis 4 Sterne...
on 14. November 2018, 00:46 by ibag
Sehr schön!
on 13. November 2018, 17:16 by jessica6
Hab beim Lösungscode 3x nachzählen müssen...
on 13. November 2018, 12:50 by tuace
Klasse Rätsel; die Kombination gefällt mir...