Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Inselhafen, Teil 2

(Published on 20. September 2018, 18:00 by pirx)

Shade some empty cells black so that the grid is divided into white areas, each containing exactly one number and with the same area in cells as that number. Two white areas may only touch diagonally. All black cells (water) must be connected with each other, but no 2×2 group of cells can be entirely shaded black. Numbers must not be blackened.

Place the given ships into water cells of the grid, horizontally or vertically. Ships can not be placed in horizontally, vertically or diagonally adjacent cells. The numbers on the left and top border indicate the number of ship segments in the respective row or column.

When solving, ignore the letters and numbers on the right and bottom border; they only serve as coordinates for the answer key.

Solution code: The coordinates of the four smallest ships, row by row from top to bottom (e.g. A5 C4 E8 F2).

Last changed on -

Solved by zhergan, dm_litv, Luigi, jessica6, ch1983, r45, zuzanina, BFaw, tuace, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, Matt, pokerke, AnnaTh, rubbeng, StefanSch, rob, sf2l, CHalb, jirk, Alex, KlausRG, zorant, NikolaZ, moss, Mody, ibag, marcmees, matter, ManuH, kiwijam, ffricke, Voyager, Nothere, Statistica, amitsowani, uvo, Mark Sweep, Jesper, misko, Dotty, Gotroch
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on 13. October 2018, 22:19 by ibag
Klasse, wenn man sich erstmal in die Logik eingefummelt hat.

Rating:86 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:8 times

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