Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Common prime sudoku

(Published on 9. August 2018, 16:00 by DarkBeamIta)

This sudoku solves like a normal one, plus keep in mind that all the four digit numbers in the dashed rectangles can be expressed in the form n * X where n is a variable integer and X is a common three digit prime, and they are all different.

Solution code: The diagonal NW-ES, then the 4th row

Last changed on -

Solved by ibag, Joe Average, jirk, saskia-daniela, Rollie, Nothere, adam001, ch1983, marcmees, deu, zhergan, tuace, WAW, Mody, Joo M.Y, Statistica, jessica6, Luigi, Rollo, swotty, flaemmchen, Zzzyxas, Julianl, ... KlausRG, ildiko, pokerke, Mathi, Mars, geronimo92, Thomster, derwolf23, Voyager, ffricke, t12345678, bob, Carolin, NikolaZ, rimodech, cdwg2000, SKORP17, karen_birgitta, Narayana, ParaNox, Raistlen
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on 10. August 2018, 15:29 by DarkBeamIta
This sudoku has already been tested for solution unicity :P
I liked the concept of adding some calculus to sudoku here

on 10. August 2018, 13:03 by Luigi
Oh! Danke, das erklärt einiges...

on 10. August 2018, 09:52 by ibag
@Luigi: Es wird immer die gleiche dreistellige Primzahl verwendet, aber die Vielfachen in den roten Kästen sind alle verschieden.

on 10. August 2018, 08:59 by Luigi
Was bedeutet hier alle sind verschieden?
Sind alle Primzahlen verschieden oder gar alle Faktoren verschieden?

Rating:64 %
Solved:59 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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