Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Für pin7guin zum Geburtstag: Buchstaben-Kropki auf Magnetplatten

(Published on 6. September 2018, 23:58 by CHalb)

Birthday present to pin7guin: Letter-Kropki on magnetic plates

Every plate is neutral (blackened) or magnetic. Magnetic plates consist of a positive and a negative half. Halves with the same charge must not be neighbored horizontally or vertically. Neutral plates have on each half a number corresponding to the alphabet position of one of the letters A, C, D, I, L and U. Thus the appearing numbers are 1, 3, 4, 9, 12 and 21. No number may appear more than once in a row or column.

The numbers at the border indicate the numbers of halves of each kind in the corresponding row or column. The outward hints (marked with Ʃ) indicate the sum of the numbers in the corresponding row or column.

In neutral halves - as well inside one plate as between two neutral plates - the following Kropki relations are valid:

  • If one of the numbers equals three times the other number, there is a black circle between them.
  • If the difference between the two numbers is 2, 3, 5 or 8, there is a white circle between them.
  • If there is no circle, none of the two relationships is true.

Solution code: Row 9 and column 11

Last changed on on 8. September 2018, 13:53

Solved by r45, tuace, pin7guin, Alex, pirx, Zzzyxas, Matt, ibag, AnnaTh, jessica6, jalbert, zuzanina, ch1983, marcmees, Babsi, sf2l, Luigi, ManuH, Mody, dm_litv, zorant, moss, Statistica, Danielle, bismarck, matter, sandmoppe, Joe Average, deu, ffricke, Voyager, jirk, Quetzal, ChristJan, pandiani42, Nensche777, FzFeather, ildiko, polar, misko
Full list


on 24. October 2018, 22:48 by Danielle

on 2. October 2018, 14:11 by zorant

on 29. September 2018, 10:46 by Mody
Toll, hab lange dran gesessen, aber mit großer Rätselfreude :)

on 10. September 2018, 08:19 by AnnaTh
Boah, tolle Idee! Hat unglaublich viel Spaß gemacht!

on 10. September 2018, 07:29 by ibag
Tolles Geschenk!

on 8. September 2018, 13:51 by CHalb
English instruction completed.
Alex, vielen Dank :-).

on 8. September 2018, 07:48 by Alex
weiteres tolles kniffeliges Geschenk!
@CHalb, Englische Seite hat kein Bild und abgeknabberten Text.

on 7. September 2018, 09:17 by pin7guin
Vielen herzlichen Dank! Was für ein wunderschönes Rätsel!!!

on 7. September 2018, 08:46 by tuace
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, lieber Pinguin!!

on 7. September 2018, 07:55 by AnnaTh
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Claudia!

on 7. September 2018, 07:55 by r45
Gratuliere dem Geburtstagskind und dem Autor ganz herzlich.

on 6. September 2018, 23:59 by pin7guin
Hurra, ein Geburtstagsrätsel! Vielen lieben Dank, Christian! :-)

Rating:99 %
Solved:40 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle combination Puzzle variant 2358

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