Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mehrdeutige Rätsel - Masyu

(Published on 15. July 2018, 08:58 by rob)

You are given a puzzle with multiple solutions. Find two solutions that are completely different according to a specific definition (see below).

Masyu: Draw a single loop that travels horizontally and vertically between cell centers and that passes through each clue. It goes straight through white clues, but turns in the previous or the following cell (or both). It turns in black clues, but goes straight through both the previous and the following cell.

No cell must contain exactly the same loop segment in both solutions, and no cell must be empty in both solutions.

Solution code: The sizes of all areas of empty cells that touch the edge of the grid. Start in the top left corner and proceed clockwise. Start with the solution whose code is lexicographically smaller.

Last changed on on 15. July 2018, 13:11

Solved by Joe Average, Matt, Zzzyxas, pirx, Mody, ch1983, adam001, ManuH, r45, bob, saskia-daniela, sf2l, Luigi, tuace, jessica6, cornuto, Nothere, matter, dm_litv, ibag, marcmees, AnnaTh, zorant, Rollo, deu, Statistica, moss, Uhu, Julianl, jirk, Alex, zuzanina, flaemmchen, ffricke, uvo, Joo M.Y, Kpn, misko, EKBM, ildiko, Echatsum
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on 19. July 2018, 11:38 by AnnaTh

on 15. July 2018, 13:11 by rob
Geringfügig klarer formuliert, dass unterschiedlich orientierte gleichförmige Wegabschnitte als verschieden gelten.

Rating:93 %
Solved:41 times
Observed:6 times

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