Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

XV? Hexagon-doku

(Published on 4. July 2018, 17:26 by DarkBeamIta)

Fill the hexagon with digits from 1 to 9.

The numbers are never repeated along the three directions indicated by the red arrows.

The gray cells are surrounded by six different digits, whereas the white cells are surrounded by less than six digits, or between those at least two are equal.

For each external side are given the figures NOT present in it.

Finally, some couples of cells have a mark in the border: ?, X or V, and all possible marks are present.

If there is X, the sum of the two numbers is 10.

If there is V, the sum of the two numbers is 5.

If there is ? the sum can be worth 5 or 10.

Otherwise the sum is neither 5 nor 10.

Solution code: 5th and 7th row

Solved by cornuto, jirk, ch1983, rob, saskia-daniela, dm_litv, Matt, Luigi, ibag, Statistica, jessica6, zorant, Rollo, Laje6, sf2l, lutzreimer, marsigel, marcmees, Joe Average, ManuH, Zzzyxas, Julianl, Uhu, ... Marian, skywalker, NikolaZ, Lohnecke, rimodech, AlSantsu, zuzanina, Realshaggy, Errorandy, Richard, CHalb, rcg, Raistlen, ParaNox, CJK, Dugong, Saskia, metacom, Saskia24, drf93, Jrgamer4u, jgarber
Full list


on 9. July 2018, 16:35 by DarkBeamIta
@WAW; if you ignore completely grey squares rule, you can solve it quickly ;)

on 9. July 2018, 14:51 by WAW
@rob: Danke Dir sehr. Ja, ich sehe es. Da könnte auch eine 6 hin. Will ich mal probieren.

on 9. July 2018, 11:18 by rob
@WAW: Der Fehlschluss liegt in diesem Satz: "Dann müsste aber Z*F* eine * sein"

on 7. July 2018, 01:16 by Joe Average
Zeile 2, Feld 2-5
Zeile 3, Feld 4-6
Zeile 4, Feld 2
Zeile 5, Feld 2-3 und 5
Zeile 6, Feld 6
Zeile 8, Feld 2 und 4-5
... sind grau markiert.

on 7. July 2018, 00:02 by ManuH
Welche grauen Zellen??

Last changed on 5. July 2018, 13:01

on 5. July 2018, 12:59 by Rollo
Sorry, the difference has to be 5 because of the two questionmarks above, not the sum.

on 5. July 2018, 12:55 by DarkBeamIta
? There is no mark in there :)

on 5. July 2018, 12:48 by Rollo
No matter what cell R3C3 (row 3 / column 3) is, there must be a V between R4C3 and R4C4.

Rating:73 %
Solved:75 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle variant Hexagonal Arithmetic puzzle

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