This puzzle is a 12x12 sudoku that uses digits 1 to 9, then the letters A,B,C.
Every rectangle of this sudoku, except the two "core" rectangles, has been divided in three colored zones, forming a flag, divided in three tetrominos: red, yellow, blue. There are no identical flags (in shape) ignoring rotations / reflections. Each shape can touch a similar one, but no identical colored tetrominos can share one border (only one point eventually).
All the flags are given here (in no order; they haven't been rotated or reflected either).
Every tetromino contains four numbers, that I have summed together. For each rectangle (1 to 10), you have all those sums (in ascending order, not in "spatial" order; but still relative to the correct rectangle); they are written on the right of the sudoku. Too bad, A,B,C have the same value in these sums; zero...
As the normal clues are not enough, to solve the puzzle you also have to reconstruct the correct flag order ;) .
Solution code: Left to right, top to bottom, all the numbers and letters written inside all the BLUE tetrominos; go row by row, not tetromino by tetromino (40 CHARS)
on 18. July 2018, 09:06 by AnnaTh
This one was pretty (!) cool!
on 30. June 2018, 14:50 by Mody
hat Spaß gemacht :)
on 27. June 2018, 09:42 by zorant
thank you very much
on 27. June 2018, 09:29 by DarkBeamIta
Hi zorant apparently you inverted 5 and 9? ;)
on 25. June 2018, 18:32 by jessica6
it works... maybe I had a typo when entering the code
on 25. June 2018, 18:12 by DarkBeamIta
@jessica The first code you written is correct. Why doesn't it work :o
on 25. June 2018, 11:51 by DarkBeamIta
@jessica6: No the sums are relative to the correct rectangle, else the puzzle would be unsolvable :)
on 25. June 2018, 11:48 by jessica6
@DarkBeamIta are the sums corresponding to the location of the rectangle? I.e. are the sums for "1" (10,11,24) valid for the upper left rectangle, as indicated by the upper right schema? Or can the rectangle with the sums (10,11,24) be any of the 10 outer sudoku areas?
on 25. June 2018, 10:12 by DarkBeamIta
+ clarification after @marcmees :)
on 24. June 2018, 23:43 by DarkBeamIta
German translation thanks
on 24. June 2018, 23:35 by DarkBeamIta
Fixed dbl solution thanks to ch1983
on 24. June 2018, 20:02 by jessica6
german translation:
Löse zuerst das Sudoku mit den Zahlen 1-9 und Buchstaben A-C in jeder Zeile/Spalte/Gebiet.
Lege dann die unten abgebildeten Flaggen auf die äußeren Sudoku-Gebiete 1-10 (wie im Schema oben rechts).
GleichFARBIGE Tetrominos dürfen sich höchstens diagonal berühren.
Die Flaggen dürfen nicht rotiert und nicht gespiegelt werden.
Die Hinweise rechts unten geben für die Flaggen 1-10 die Summe der Zahlen - in aufsteigender Reihenfolge - an, die unter den gelben, roten und blauen Feldern im zugehörigen Sudoku-Gebiet liegen. A,B und C haben hier den Wert 0.
Lösungscode: Für jede Zeile von links nach rechts die Ziffern in den blauen Feldern (40 Ziffern).
on 24. June 2018, 19:49 by DarkBeamIta
@ch1983 True! Now fixed thanks!
on 24. June 2018, 19:44 by ch1983
One sum of the 6th rectangle seems to be wrong. They don't add up to 45.