Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rösselsprung nur nach links Sudoku

(Published on 1. July 2018, 00:00 by surbier)

knight move to the left only Sudoku

Puzzle A: Sudoku rules apply. Digits must not show up in cells which can be reached by one step orthogonally forward, followed by one diagonal step to the left.

Think of a knight (S) 'moves to the left only' (X).

In case you prefer a 'knights move to the right only', you can solve the following puzzle B: Sudoku rules apply. Digits must not show up in cells which can be reached by one step orthogonally forward, followed by one diagonal step to the right.

Think of a knight moving to the right only.

Puzzle B was generated from puzzle A by mirror-reversing and by permuting the clues, that the solution code of row 5 is identical to that of puzzle A. Both puzzles are of equal difficulty.

Solution code: row 5

Last changed on -

Solved by jirk, dm_litv, ManuH, Julianl, marcmees, Matt, Nothere, flaemmchen, Statistica, purzelbaumfan, Zzzyxas, jessica6, zhergan, saskia-daniela, r45, Luigi, sf2l, zorant, ibag, Uhu, AnnaTh, Hasenvogel, ... crissu, Saskia, NikolaZ, Eisbär, cornuto, ffricke, Thomster, Rollie, Voyager, verflixt, geronimo92, skywalker, bob, rimodech, lutzreimer, 111chrisi, Kekes, Richard, rcg, keelyc27, ildiko, SKORP17
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Rating:76 %
Solved:64 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant New Computer assistance

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