Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Urban center

(Published on 16. June 2018, 17:59 by DarkBeamIta)

This puzzle must be divided into areas, all of them are cross shaped (no degenerate shapes like Ts), of variable sizes (and arm size).

Also some cells are left blank, but no blank area touches the border.

Every cross has either ONE or TWO clues inside.

(Be careful ... one of the clues is false and you must discard it.)

Anyway, when a cross contains two valid clues, one of them equals the area of the shape, the other clue equals twice the number of blank cells that touch the area.

Else, when a cross contains one valid clue, it equals the area of the shape, and no blank cells touch the area.

No area clue is where the cross intersects.

Solution code: Consider each cell in the lines marked with arrows in order. If the area is not blank write the area of the cross that contains the cell, else a B. Write all numbers or Bs without spaces, as they are, followed by the false clue.

Last changed on on 17. June 2018, 11:07

Solved by deu, Zzzyxas, Joe Average, zorant, jessica6, dm_litv, moss, Matt, Luigi, marcmees, tuace, Statistica, ibag, CHalb, sandmoppe, jirk, ch1983, pirx, sf2l, bob, ManuH, Mody, Alex, pin7guin, KlausRG, Voyager, AnnaTh, Nothere, pokerke, NikolaZ, rimodech, amitsowani, ildiko, Dandelo
Full list


on 19. June 2018, 10:59 by DarkBeamIta
:D Hello; I don't know exactly if it's 100% new (so many puzzle sites; who knows?) but I invented this puzzle by myself, inspired by Shikaku but ... with different shapes and some more trickery.

on 19. June 2018, 10:42 by CHalb
I like the idea and the puzzle very much. When reading the instruction I thought "Why?!". Why so complicated and why might I have fun to go into solving? But as I said above :-)... Is this a new idea? I haven't found something similar after a short research in www.

on 17. June 2018, 14:47 by Joe Average
Nein, nur orthogonale Berührungen.

on 17. June 2018, 14:00 by Luigi
Was bedeutet berühren? Zählt eine leere Zelle die diagonal berührt auch?

on 17. June 2018, 11:07 by DarkBeamIta
Thanks Jessica updated the text. Also thanks Joe

on 17. June 2018, 00:11 by jessica6
having solved the puzzle, I think I can come up with a better german translation:

Entferne zunächst einen (falschen) Hinweis aus dem Gitter.
Teile dann das Gitter in kreuzförmige Gebiete, wobei Leerfelder (Felder ohne Hinweis) übrig bleiben dürfen.
Kein Leerfeld liegt am Rand.
Jedes Kreuz hat ein Feld als Mittelteil und vier beliebig lange Arme.
Außerdem hat jedes Kreuz entweder einen oder zwei Hinweise.
Wenn ein Kreuz einen Hinweis hat, gibt dieser die Größe des Kreuzes an, und keine Leerfelder berühren das Kreuz.
Wenn ein Kreuz zwei Hinweise hat, ist einer die Größe des Kreuzes, der andere das DOPPELTE der Anzahl Leerfelder, die das Kreuz berühren.

Lösungscode: Gib für jedes Feld der markierten Zeilen die Größe des Kreuzes an, in dem das Feld liegt, oder B für Leerfeld (blank). Hänge dann noch den falschen Hinweis an.

on 16. June 2018, 23:03 by Joe Average
Intresting concept.

Rating:76 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:6 times

Dissection puzzle

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