The puzzle consists of five partially overlapping 8 by 8 grids. Draw a single closed loop into each one of the five grids. The loops pass horizontally and vertically between the dots and not all dots must be used. Numbers indicate the amount of the (up to) four edges of the clue cell that are used by loops. A loop may not touch or cross itself. The five loops may cross each other (maybe even multiple times), but may not touch each other in any other way.
Theme: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Solution code: For each loop, enter the total number of cells inside the loop in each row from top to bottom. The order of the loops is: Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, middle. (Or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the grids clues). If there are no cells inside the loop in a row, enter 0. (The solution code consists of 40 characters. Sorry that it is so long..)
on 13. July 2018, 21:58 by sf2l
a beauty
on 17. June 2018, 11:56 by CHalb
Große Klasse! Ich hab mich selten über ein Rätsel so gefreut wie über dieses :-)).
on 17. June 2018, 11:00 by AnnaTh
Mega! Die Vieren waren für mich eine echte Herausforderung! Und dann die versteckte Ästhetik! Toll!
on 10. June 2018, 18:32 by ibag
Finden und reparieren sind zweierlei Dinge ... Super Rätsel!!!!
on 7. June 2018, 14:00 by ibag
Verflixt, Fehler gefunden ...
on 7. June 2018, 13:32 by ibag
Aber egal ob ich den Lösungscode jemals hinbekomme: Jedenfalls ein supertolles Rätsel!
on 3. June 2018, 18:15 by Statistica
Großartig. Vielen Dank!
on 3. June 2018, 10:03 by Luigi
Ganz genial!
on 1. June 2018, 15:42 by gallisel
Vielen Dank für dieses schöne Übungsrätsel!
on 1. June 2018, 11:22 by CHalb
Stilvoll, sehr stilvoll.
on 1. June 2018, 10:39 by tuace
on 1. June 2018, 10:07 by r45
Absolut Spitze!
on 1. June 2018, 03:21 by Joe Average
Wunderschöne Konstruktion!
Dass die Zahlen im Gitter nochmal als Nummern 1-5 der betreffenden Gitter angeordnet sind, war mir auch nicht aufgefallen. Vielleicht sollten die Hinweiszahlen verschieden farbig sein, damit es klarer heraus kommt ?
on 1. June 2018, 00:21 by lupo
I didn't even notice the big numbers before you mentioned them :-). Very well done!