Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wichtel 2017 (6): Easy as Kakuro

(Published on 22. June 2018, 10:04 by wichtel)

To Christmas 2017 some eager puzzlefriends have again arranged a group in which everybody had to make anonymously a puzzle for someone else. These puzzles now have been presented one after the other here in the portal.

Combination of Kakuro and Easy as ABC:

Place a number from 1 to 9 or one of the letters P, I, N, G, U into every white cell. 

A number clue equals the sum of the digits up to the next clue cell or the border of the grid. Digits cannot repeat in a sum, (but may repeat in a whole row or column).

Letter clues indicate the closest letter seen from the clue cell (in the direction of the clue). Every letter from P, I, N, G, U has to appear exactly once in each full row and column. A letter clue may "see" beyond other clue cells. 

The clues point to the right or down, except for the clues at the bottom and right edges of the grid, which point upwards or to the left, respectively.

Solution code: First row and third column; the top black hint row and the left black hint column are not counted; black and green cells are ignored.

Last changed on -

Solved by jirk, ManuH, moss, Zzzyxas, dm_litv, Matt, zorant, tuace, Mody, Uhu, CHalb, r45, ibag, JonaS2010, ch1983, marcmees, pirx, Statistica, flaemmchen, mango, zuzanina, bob, Joe Average, Luigi, AnnaTh, ... pin7guin, Rollo, Alex, Voyager, rimodech, Ragna, Julianl, CaGr, derwolf23, Quetzal, misko, Krokant, Nensche777, uvo, barer, polar, Jesper, PixelPlucker, Lara Croft, Errorandy, HugoSimon
Full list


on 3. September 2020, 20:36 by Krokant
Unabhängig von der Jahreszeit richtig gut.

on 1. August 2018, 00:03 by pin7guin
Vielen, vielen lieben Dank an meine(n) Wichtel(in)!
Dieses Rätsel hat mir zu Weihnachten UND jetzt im Hochsommer Spaß gemacht. :-)

on 2. July 2018, 15:04 by sf2l
6 stars

on 29. June 2018, 08:09 by AnnaTh
Tod Idee. Hat Mega Spass gemacht,

on 26. June 2018, 18:17 by JonaS2010
Luigi: 7er sind generell normale Kakurohinweise, auch die am rechten Rand. Sie können sich also wie immer aus ein bis drei Ziffern zusammensetzen. Hilft das weiter?

Last changed on 26. June 2018, 17:21

on 26. June 2018, 17:09 by Luigi
Ist die 7 rechts am Rand eventuell doch ein Buchstabensalat Hinweis?

Beschreibung sagt Zahlen geben Summen an...

Bzw. Können/Müssen 7en generell Buchstabensalathinweise sein?

on 25. June 2018, 11:17 by flaemmchen
Ganz toll und immer wieder lustig im Sommer Tannenbaum-Rätsel zu lösen :-))

on 23. June 2018, 16:15 by marcmees
of rare beauty

on 23. June 2018, 14:10 by ibag
Wirklich supertoll. Für wen es wohl gedacht war? ;-))

on 23. June 2018, 12:03 by r45
WOW, ich ziehe alle Hüte!

on 23. June 2018, 11:13 by Mody
Total schön :)

Rating:97 %
Solved:56 times
Observed:2 times

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