Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wichtel 2017 (4): Drei Wichtel und 144 Häuser

(Published on 26. May 2018, 07:04 by wichtel)

To Christmas 2017 some eager puzzlefriends have again arranged a group in which everybody had to make anonymously a puzzle for someone else. These puzzles now have been presented one after the other here in the portal.

Three gnomes and 144 houses

As every year before Christmas a lot of organisational problems have to be mastered in order to get the presents to everyone in time. Currently Santa Claus is considering about the supply of 144 houses, which are divided into 12 rows and 12 columns. Since these are too much for one single person to take care about, he decides to let the delivery be done by three gnomes.

So he calls three gnomes, gives each of them one puzzle in hand and speaks:
"Here I have for each of you a map of the area, you three shall take over. One of you draws a loop and takes the houses inside the loop. The second has a Tapa puzzle on his map; he takes the houses on the black cells of the Tapa. And the third solves the LITS puzzle on his map and takes care of the houses on the black cells of the LITS."

"The puzzle has no unique solution at all!", all three gnomes exclaim at once, shortly after looking at their respective puzzles.

"Of course you have to have in mind, that each of the 144 houses is visited by exactly one of you", answers Santa Claus. "It makes no sense, if a house is visited more than once, and of course it mustn't happen, that a house is not supplied at all. To make the orientation for you easier I have drawn four dots in your puzzles, which have no further meaning."

With all this information the gnomes find out without difficulty, which houses have to be supplied by whom and Santa Claus can think about the next problems ahead.

Solution code: Row 4 and column 3: for each house the gnome, who supplies it (loop = 1, Tapa = 2, LITS = 3)

Last changed on on 26. November 2018, 13:37

Solved by matter, tuace, pirx, dm_litv, r45, ibag, Luigi, zuzanina, Joe Average, ffricke, rimodech, Zzzyxas, moss, zorant, jalbert, Statistica, Mody, CHalb, ch1983, TorstenD, jirk, ManuH, AnnaTh, panista, Ours brun, Kpn, Mark Sweep, Nensche777, Myxo, Jesper, polar, Alex, PixelPlucker, 85392, jkuo7, Agent
Full list


on 19. June 2024, 02:06 by Agent
Fascinating and very instructive puzzle, and I think easier than 5-stars if you understand the global implications. I really enjoyed figuring it out :)

on 27. June 2022, 10:20 by Alex
Genial! freue mich nach den alten Wichteln gesucht zu haben :)

on 31. July 2021, 17:14 by Myxo
Very difficult puzzle.

on 13. May 2021, 14:30 by Mark Sweep
Absolutely wonderful! A masterpiece.

For those interested, here is a Penpa link: https://git.io/JsqYY

on 22. July 2019, 04:30 by AnnaTh
Es empfiehlt sich, ab einem gewissen Punkt alle "Häuser" in ein Raster zu malen. Waaaahnsinnsrätsel! Hut ab vor dieser Konstruktion!

on 26. November 2018, 13:37 by wichtel
englischen Untertitel eingefügt / english subtitle added

on 24. June 2018, 18:16 by ch1983
Hurra, doch noch rausbekommen, nachdem ich auch lange keinen rechten Zugang finden konnte :-)
Vielen Dank!

on 17. June 2018, 17:06 by CHalb
Hut ab vor solch einer Autorenleistung. Allein fehlte mir bis vor einer Woche die rechte Betrachtungsweise. Im Hamburger LM-Bahnfahrerteam ging's dann.

on 15. June 2018, 07:37 by Statistica
Ganz klasse. Schwierig und spannend bis zum letzten Haus!

on 1. June 2018, 10:17 by ffricke
Für mich ein Meisterwerk !!

on 29. May 2018, 15:36 by Joe Average
Großartig! Aber der Weihnachtsmann sollte sich vorsehen, dass er nicht von einem der drei Wichtel wegen ungleicher Arbeitsbedingungen verklagt wird. :-)

on 28. May 2018, 16:15 by Luigi

on 28. May 2018, 00:43 by ibag
Ein richtiges Meisterwerk, ganz toll!!!!

on 27. May 2018, 20:18 by r45

on 26. May 2018, 15:36 by dm_litv
Super! Looks like "3-color Yin-Yang"

on 26. May 2018, 10:09 by tuace

on 26. May 2018, 09:07 by Luigi
Da macht das Lesen ja schon Spaß!

Rating:99 %
Solved:36 times
Observed:5 times

Puzzle combination Multi-grid puzzle

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