Odd/Even Count Sudoku
Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)
Apply classic sudoku rules. A digit in a grey cell indicates the number of cells around it (horizontally, vertically and diagonally) that contain digits of the same parity.
Solution code: Row 2, followed by Column 8.
on 23. August 2022, 06:53 by Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!
on 13. October 2021, 12:05 by Nick Smirnov
CTC App:
on 21. May 2018, 16:13 by Saskia
@Uhu: Ich danke Dir. Das habe ich beim Abzeichnen doch glatt uebersehen ... ;) Auf ein Neues :-D
on 21. May 2018, 15:46 by Uhu
@Saskia: In Reihe 4, Spalte 8 ist ein graues Feld, das spezielle Bedingungen erfüllen muss.
on 8. May 2018, 08:55 by Richard
Maybe the rules can be more precise by adding: same parity as the digit in the grey cell
on 8. May 2018, 08:48 by flaemmchen
on 8. May 2018, 08:44 by Richard
@flaemmchen: an odd digit in a grey cell indicates the number of odd digits around it. An even digit indicates the number of even digits around it.
(Only a 4 in a grey cell that is not at a border, indicates the number of odd AND even cells around it. :-))
on 8. May 2018, 08:05 by flaemmchen
Zum Verständnis: Wenn die Zahl im grauen Kästchen gerade ist gibt sie die Anzahl der geraden Ziffern rundherum an oder könnte es auch die Anzahl der ungeraden Ziffern sein?