Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Argyle Sudoku with Toroidal Renban Groups II

(Published on 28. April 2018, 19:55 by zhergan)

Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 standard block. All the digits on the marked diagonals must also be different. Besides painted cells with same colour form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive digits, in any order. There exists 7 toroidal renban groups in the grid.

Solution code: Row 8, followed by column 3.

Last changed on on 16. August 2021, 01:05

Solved by ibag, Carolin, tuace, flaemmchen, Matt, Nothere, moss, ManuH, AnnaTh, ch1983, lubosh, Statistica, Julianl, marcmees, Rollo, Alex, lutzreimer, cornuto, Mody, marsigel, sandmoppe, marcel.h27, swotty, ... CHalb, adam001, ildiko, Toastbrot, Joe Average, ffricke, Saskia, Thomster, Voyager, bob, Marian, saskia-daniela, pokerke, skywalker, geronimo92, NikolaZ, rimodech, Richard, Errorandy, keelyc27
Full list


on 16. August 2021, 01:05 by zhergan
Tags revision..

on 16. August 2021, 00:52 by zhergan
Tags and labels revision..

on 29. April 2018, 08:34 by flaemmchen
Das war schön flüssig zu lösen, bei Nr. 1 wird's wohl noch etwas länger dauern ;-)
Hat mir gut gefallen!

on 28. April 2018, 23:21 by zhergan
@ibag and @tuace: Actually you're right. Sorry for the inconvenient difficulty level. I still think that this one could remain as 3 stars but surely the first one deserves at least 4 stars. I had to say that I simply dislike determining the difficulty level as an author. That's why I usually publish puzzles at middle difficulty level. Thanks for solving..

on 28. April 2018, 23:12 by zhergan
Forgotten toroidal label is added..

on 28. April 2018, 22:29 by tuace
Finde ich auch. Wobei, wenn man den Mittelwert bildet... :D

on 28. April 2018, 21:33 by ibag
Bei mindestens einem der beiden Zwillingsrätsel stimmen die 3 Sterne nicht - ich glaube bei beiden. ;-) Dieses ist recht zugänglich ...

Rating:87 %
Solved:61 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle variant Variant combination Wraparound

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