Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Country Road

(Published on 6. March 2018, 14:19 by JonaS2010)


Draw a closed loop that consists of horizontal and vertical lines between cells, and that doesn’t cross or touch itself. The loop visits each boldly outlined area exactly once. Clues indicate how many cells within an area are used by the loop. Empty cells are not allowed to touch horizontally or vertically if they are in different areas.

Theme: LOGIC MASTERS (the shading is for artistic purposes only).

Solution code: For every row from top to bottom enter the number of cells in which the loop turns.

Solved by Luigi, rob, ibag, r45, moss, Statistica, tuace, saskia-daniela, jessica6, Dandelo, dm_litv, pirx, SP1, zorant, maeffchen, Matt, rimodech, Rollo, rubbeng, CHalb, Alex, Zzzyxas, sandmoppe, NikolaZ, ... Nylimb, bernhard, juventino188, Narayana, misko, Madmahogany, dandbdi, BenceJoful, ildiko, EKBM, PixelPlucker, polar, Mark Sweep, Maxst0f, fluggy, OGRussHood, starelev5, Tacosian, Paletron
Full list


on 17. July 2020, 20:00 by glum_hippo
Penpa link: https://is.gd/F4eSE9

on 10. March 2018, 12:36 by CHalb
Sehr gelungen!

Last changed on 7. March 2018, 09:06

on 7. March 2018, 09:05 by Statistica
"Country Roads, take me home..." :-). Hat Spaß gemacht.

on 7. March 2018, 08:11 by r45

on 6. March 2018, 21:42 by ibag
Ganz schön tüftelig!

Rating:91 %
Solved:84 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Path puzzle

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