Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM Vorrunde 2018 Nachtrag: Pentomische Summen 2

(Published on 6. March 2018, 02:02 by rob)


  • Place numbers from 1 to N in the grid, and shade the remaining cells. N is indicated next to the grid.
  • Within each row and column, each number can occur at most once.
  • The black cells consist of pentominos:
    • A pentomino consists of 5 horizontally and vertically connected cells.
    • Pentominos must not touch horizontally and vertically. They may touch diagonally.
    • The same pentominos may occur multiple times.
  • Each of the letters outside the grid is either a coded sum clue, or a pentomino clue.
  • Each sum clue corresponds to an integer.
    • Sum clues are positive and may be arbitrarily large (they can have multiple digits).
    • The same sum clues correspond to the same numbers. Example
    • Different sum clues correspond to different numbers.
    • Any sum clue gives the sum of a group of connected numbers in the corresponding row or column.
  • Pentomino clues give the shape of a corresponding pentomino of shaded cells. The pentomino may be reflected and rotated. The association of letters to pentomino sha- pes is given under the puzzle.
  • For each group of one or more connected numbers, there is exactly one sum clue in the corresponding row or column.
  • For each pentomino there is exactly one row clue and one pentomino clue, in one of the rows and columns that the pentomino is in, respectively.
  • The order of the sum and pentomino clues corresponds exactly to the order of the associated cells. (In case of the U-pentomino, both position are possible.)


Code: 2-1-3,123-4


Solution code: The marked rows, '-' for shaded cells.

Last changed on on 29. March 2019, 16:47

Solved by deu, ibag, tuace, MaM, rimodech, Luigi, Statistica, moss, zorant, SP1, jessica6, Matt, r45, rubbeng, Zzzyxas, Alex, NikolaZ, sandmoppe, pirx, pokerke, Joe Average, AnnaTh, sf2l, Mody, matter, CaGr, ch1983, ffricke, dm_litv, zuzanina, pin7guin, Babsi, jirk, ManuH, Voyager, bob, skywalker, uvo, misko, Uhu, ildiko, EKBM, johnyzzh, cornuto
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on 29. March 2019, 16:47 by rob
fix indentation of English instructions

on 12. March 2018, 15:44 by AnnaTh
Tolle Rätsel. Aber wie lange ich gebraucht habe, um sie zu verstehen ....

on 10. March 2018, 10:47 by sandmoppe
Das zweite fällt schon viel leichter als das erste. Die Lernkurve ist hoch.

on 7. March 2018, 21:44 by rob
Wort entfernt

on 7. March 2018, 21:42 by rob
Also die Wettbewerbsrätsel sind mittlerweile offen zugänglich: https://logic-masters.de/dokumente/LM2018/LM2018_Vorrunde_Wettbewerb.pdf

Dann sollte die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb sicher möglich sein, ohne die Adresse anzugeben, ggf. mit Einschränkungen was die Endrunde angeht? Da bin ich überfragt; das Thema wäre aber bestimmt besser im Forum zu diskutieren.

on 7. March 2018, 19:41 by jessica6
Klasse, macht Lust auf mehr.
Leider konnte ich das Rätsel von der LM-Quali nicht lösen, weil ich meine Adresse nicht preisgebe und daher nicht teilnehmen durfte.

on 6. March 2018, 11:22 by ibag

Rating:95 %
Solved:44 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Coded puzzle Pentominoes

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