Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)
Here you find another Sundoku
Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. The sun and its rays are drawn in the grid. Rays lose intensity with distance from the sun, so numbers on each ray are strictly decreasing towards the end. The central cell (the sun) is not part of any ray.
Solution code: Row 1, followed by column 7.
on 23. August 2022, 06:38 by Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!
on 7. October 2021, 06:53 by Nick Smirnov
CTC App:
on 11. March 2018, 17:45 by Richard
on 11. March 2018, 10:56 by CHalb
This Sundoku became a Sondoku for me as well. It is the first Sudoku in the portal I solved together with my son (noeL). You can take the rays as thermometers and with them he had to do only a month ago in the DJSM school qualification :-).
on 8. March 2018, 12:52 by Eisbär
This was fun! :-D
on 6. March 2018, 10:47 by flaemmchen
Schön :-))