Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (219) - Confetti Sudoku

(Published on 6. February 2018, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Confetti Sudoku
Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. All pairs of digits having differences of A, B and C are marked with circles of white, grey and black colours respectively. A, B and C have different values and need to be determined as part of solving.

Inspiriation for this type comes from Riad Khanmagomedov: September Sudoku Contest 2017.

Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Row 1, followed by column 9.

Last changed on on 23. August 2022, 06:32

Solved by azalozni, Senior, jirk, saskia-daniela, ibag, r45, zorant, lubosh, tuace, zhergan, sloffie, rcg, Statistica, marcmees, KlausRG, Matt, Rollo, Zzzyxas, CHalb, Julianl, ch1983, AnnaTh, ManuH, Nothere, ... Danielle, Nick Smirnov, Johannes Quack, misko, snowyegret, bbutrosghali, Kulko, Greg, AMD, TomBradyLambeth, Angelo, Nylimb, AstralSky, Nickyo, Crul, mjozska1985, juventino188, martin1456, goodcity
Full list


on 23. August 2022, 06:32 by Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 1. October 2021, 04:59 by Nick Smirnov

CTC App:

on 10. February 2018, 14:51 by pin7guin
Das hat Spaß gemacht!

on 7. February 2018, 21:54 by tuace
@flaemmchen: Ja, aber beachte, dass Richard eine neue Grafik hchgeladen hat...

on 7. February 2018, 15:25 by flaemmchen
Nur nochmal zur Sicherheit da ich's schon zweimal versemmelt habe:
ALLE Pünktchen sind gegeben?

on 6. February 2018, 19:25 by Richard
I have uploaded a new image, with the missing dot.
Sorry for the inconvenience...

Last changed on 6. February 2018, 14:48

on 6. February 2018, 08:32 by r45
Fehlt da nicht ein grauer Punkt in Spalte 5 zwischen den Zeilen 7/8 ?

on 6. February 2018, 06:08 by Richard
Typo fixed in the solution code description.

Rating:86 %
Solved:106 times
Observed:16 times

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