Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (210) - Threevision Sudoku

(Published on 5. December 2017, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Threevision Sudoku
Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. The sum of all digits in each dotted outlined area must be divisible by 3. Within dotted outlined areas digits may not repeat.

Inspiriation for this type comes from Riad Khanmagomedov: September Sudoku Contest 2015.

Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Row 7, followed by column 7.

Last changed on on 23. August 2022, 06:13

Solved by azalozni, jirk, dm_litv, r45, ibag, zorant, Statistica, WAW, marcmees, flaemmchen, rubbeng, lubosh, Senior, AnnaTh, CHalb, lutzreimer, Carolin, Nothere, rcg, Matt, Zzzyxas, Julianl, moss, KlausRG, ... bbutrosghali, Kulko, ksoekarjo, snowyegret, TomBradyLambeth, AMD, Angelo, wmiltti, Nylimb, AstralSky, Nickyo, Just me, mjozska1985, CGeom, Jordan Timm, juventino188, martin1456, Crul, goodcity
Full list


on 23. August 2022, 06:13 by Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 26. September 2021, 16:53 by Nick Smirnov

CTC App:

Rating:85 %
Solved:118 times
Observed:15 times

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