Disparity Sudoku
Inspiration for this variant comes from Sudoku Surprise Test by David McNeill.
Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)
Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and bold outlined area. Horizontal or vertical neighbouring cells in different outlined areas must be of opposite parity.
Solution code: Row 6, followed by column 6.
on 19. August 2022, 05:24 by Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!
on 25. September 2021, 16:32 by Nick Smirnov
CTC App:
on 19. November 2017, 15:00 by pin7guin
Jetzt bin ich wieder up-to-date und habe alle (bisher erschienenen) SVS-Rätsel gelöst! :-)
on 15. November 2017, 07:59 by AnnaTh
Nice combination!
on 14. November 2017, 06:05 by Richard
Solution code must be row 6 instead of 7.