Halber Doppelstern
(Published on 13. August 2017, 14:00 by uvo)
Place stars into the grid, so that each row and each outlined region contains exactly two stars, and each column contains exactly one star. The stars have the size of one cell and must not touch each other, not even diagonally.
Solution code: For each row from top to bottom the number of empty cells between the two stars.
Last changed on -
Solved by zhergan, dm_litv, Matt, Luigi, jirk, ch1983, zorant, Mody, Nothere, pandiani42, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, rob, adam001, pin7guin, jessica6, Statistica, tuace, pirx, AnnaTh, cornuto, Lohnecke, ibag, ... Rotstein, misko, shinkimancer, bernhard, badelatschen, Greg, zHana2020, Raistlen, GrabeR, Dugong, hirassy, Aefalzion, Julian Rosenau, filmore, lmtierney, abadx, Eierkopp121, logik66, Tacosian, drf93
on 20. November 2018, 13:42 by berni
Lustig. :-)