Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Schlangenwörter: KIMAF

(Published on 15. September 2017, 19:50 by CHalb)

Snakewords: KIMAF

I created this puzzle during my visit to KIMAF this year. Example inspired by Giuseppe Iampieri's facebook posting.

Put a letter in each cell. All given words have to be found in the diagram. With each word you may start in any cell. The next letter at a time has to be in one of the orthogonally or diagonally adjacent cells and in doing so you may go back to the previous cell. The paths of the words may cross each other and themselves at will.



Solution code: All letters in reading direction

Solved by pokerke, zorant, sf2l, tuace, r45, Matt, Zzzyxas, dm_litv, AnnaTh, ibag, jirk, Joe Average, Rollo, ch1983, Luigi, moss, Uhu, sandmoppe, Semax, jessica6, Statistica, Toastbrot, ffricke, lutzreimer, ... misfit, relzzup, saskia-daniela, zhergan, Nothere, Errorandy, Krokofant, RobertBe, amitsowani, rimodech, Dandelo, DocLogic, Dotty, NikolaZ, drolli38, misko, Johannes Quack, rubbeng, Dugong, SAMT
Full list


on 10. January 2020, 14:34 by DocLogic
tolles kleines, aber sehr schönes Rätsel / great small, but tricky puzzle!

on 27. September 2017, 23:30 by Senior
Mir gefällt es ausgesprochen gut!

on 19. September 2017, 17:01 by CHalb
Ja richtig, dieses Rätsel war noch mehr als andere für mich beim Erstellen eine Optimieraufgabe.

on 18. September 2017, 14:16 by Statistica
Erinnert mich an alte Monatsrätselzeiten ;-)

on 17. September 2017, 12:28 by Luigi
Keine Ahnung warum die Bewertung dieses Rätsels so niedrig ist. Toller und klarer Lösungsweg, hat mir persönlich sehr gut gefallen!

Rating:85 %
Solved:59 times
Observed:4 times

Small Word puzzle

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