Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Loop with outside hints

(Published on 5. June 2017, 08:29 by zorant)

In a given grid through all the white boxes draw a closed continuous line which connects the middle of the field without crossing the intersection. The numbers indicated in red above and to the left of the red line represents the total number of red squares in the corresponding row or column. The numbers above and to the left of the grid show the number of white fields between the two red blocks in the right order. Not all the hints given. Some red fields are entered in the grid. completed the rules: - black hints indicate the number of white cells between two blocks of red cells (in the correct order) - black hints are either complete or completely missing - black zero means that there is no white cells between blocks of red cells in that row/column

Solution code: Solution code: Enter the number vertically lines between two neighbors rows, from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 9. June 2017, 11:43

Solved by Joe Average, dm_litv, pirx, sandmoppe, jessica6, jirk, Matt, zuzanina, Zzzyxas, Alex, Luigi, moss, AnnaTh, Joo M.Y, ch1983, skywalker, tuace, ibag, Statistica, rimodech, Rollo, pokerke, pin7guin, ... adam001, Uhu, rubbeng, ildiko, Thomster, Mody, Julianl, saskia-daniela, Mars, NikolaZ, matter, Marian, marsigel, Katrin K, Nothere, bob, Dandelo, amitsowani, AndreasS, ParaNox, EKBM, Gotroch
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on 30. January 2018, 16:24 by Mody
Tolles Rätsel, wenn man sich reingedacht hat :)

on 27. July 2017, 10:16 by CHalb
I really like this loop variant. Zoran, is this your own invention?

on 17. June 2017, 18:03 by flaemmchen
Danke Matt :-))

on 17. June 2017, 17:37 by Matt
von jeder Zeile (außer der letzten) die Anzahl der senkrechten Linien des Weges die nach unten zur nächsten Zeile gehen

on 17. June 2017, 16:58 by flaemmchen
Ich versteh' schon wieder den Lösungscode nicht :-((
Kann mir jemand erklären,was ich eingeben muss? Vielen Dank!

on 9. June 2017, 11:43 by zorant
Rules completed

on 9. June 2017, 08:57 by Statistica
Trotzdem müssten die fehlenden Nullen in den "vollständigen" schwarzen Hinweisen noch irgendwie in den Regeln erscheinen. Das hat mich am meisten verwirrt.

on 8. June 2017, 19:00 by Rollo
Nach Klärung der Regeln finde ich das sehr schön.

on 8. June 2017, 17:04 by rimodech
it seems that jessica6 and Rollo completed the rules:
- black hints indicate the number of white cells between two blocks of red cells (in the correct order)
- black hints are either complete or completely missing
- black zero means that there is no white cells between blocks of red cells in that row/column
or something like that :)

on 8. June 2017, 11:50 by Statistica
@Rollo: Genau. Deinen letzten Hinweis habe ich irgendwie so geahnt... Ein wenig sperrig in den Formulierungen, vllt. fällt zorant noch etwas ein!?

on 8. June 2017, 09:23 by Rollo
Es fehlt noch: 'Einen schwarzen Hinweis 0 gibt es nur, wenn kein anderer vorhanden ist.', sonst geht Spalte 4 wirklich nicht.

on 8. June 2017, 09:16 by Rollo
Ich bin ausgegangen von 'Wenn ein schwarzer Hinweis vorhanden ist, dann sind alle in richtiger Reihenfolge vorhanden.', wichtig z.B. in Spalte 6.
@ Statistica: was meinst du mit '3,1,1,1', in Spalte 4 steht doch '1 3', und das geht?

on 7. June 2017, 16:31 by ibag
Ich finde auch nicht, dass es damit klarer wird. Eher unklarer ... ;-)

on 7. June 2017, 13:39 by Statistica
Hi Zorant, thanks for clearfying the rules. But: What does this mean for the fourth column? You cannot put 5 red squares in it with the distances 3,1,1,1 ??

on 7. June 2017, 11:08 by zorant
I apologize for the inaccuracy in one sentence.
For each row and column where they are given a black hints that means all hints given in these rows and columns
Thank you very much for your nice comments and discussion.

Rating:79 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:9 times

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