Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Low

(Published on 15. May 2017, 13:45 by JonaS2010)

After the German Sudoku Championship (DSM) I was inspired to try to write a Sudoku myself. This is the result.

Sudoku Low: Apply classic Sudoku rules. Additionally, the lowest digits in a 3x3 area must be placed in the grey cells.

Theme: DSM on 13.5.17.

Solution code: Column 5, followed by column 6

Last changed on on 19. May 2017, 22:17

Solved by Luigi, Rollo, cornuto, flaemmchen, zorant, saskia-daniela, lutzreimer, dm_litv, mango, r45, CHalb, Zzzyxas, derwolf23, Joe Average, jirk, Realshaggy, tuace, Alex, Uhu, ibag, moss, Matt, HaSe, ... louie.lly, vexillophilia, Elytron, Sense, koiking, Drawoon, Eierkopp121, johnreid, permafrostyx, arangues, wildstarjl, Supertaster, drf93, FireRide, drifting, Kachow, Jastucreudo, yasmim.nat
Full list


on 30. November 2020, 03:22 by jchan18

on 16. May 2017, 05:58 by Richard
Nice one!
May we welcome a new author!?

on 15. May 2017, 21:22 by ibag
Hat Spaß gemacht!

on 15. May 2017, 17:22 by r45

Rating:78 %
Solved:263 times
Observed:12 times

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