Inspiration for this puzzle comes from Fred.
Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Krokant!)
Place the digits from 1 to 9 once in every row, column, outlined area and the nine grey cells. Unlike a normal sudoku, some rows and colums don’t contain nine cells. Grey lines indicate which partial rows and columns belong together to form complete rows and columns.
Solution code: Row 4.
on 25. January 2025, 10:50 by sisk0
Sudokupad link:
on 14. August 2022, 08:01 by Richard
Added tag and link for online solving. Thx Krokant!
on 14. May 2021, 01:19 by Krokant
Very interesting variant. Kind of easy *and* difficult at the same time. :)
Penpa+ link:
on 14. May 2020, 15:14 by Circleconstant314
@Richard: I FINALLY solved it, after a whopping TWO numbers of unsuccessful attempts. My scanning in this puzzle was so inefficient. I deduced cells couldn't contain certain values because I kept not following the lines properly. Dear LORD this was a challenge! <_<;
on 14. May 2020, 13:12 by Richard
@Circleconstant314: Exactly six digits in your solution code are wrong. Apart from the 2 and 9 that are already in the grid, you only have the 1 at the correct spot.
New try?
on 7. July 2017, 17:49 by Eisbär
Oh dear... this is the first time of my life I had some trouble with curves :-)))
on 4. June 2017, 06:57 by Richard
Link updated
on 4. June 2017, 00:20 by Realshaggy
Hi Richard, I'm afraid the link in this puzzle is broken, maybe after the changes to the puzzle portal? What it is supposed to show?
on 1. June 2017, 11:50 by ffricke
Eine sehr schöne Variante
on 11. May 2017, 21:01 by marcmees
on 10. May 2017, 23:58 by Toastbrot
Die Schwierigkeit dieses Rätsel entsteht fast ausschließlich aus der Unübersichtlichkeit der zusammengehörenden Zeilen- und Spaltenteile. Die Logik dahinter erhält von mir nur zwei Sterne, aber konzentrieren muss man sich sehr.
Aber auch leichte Rätsel machen Spaß. Vielen Dank Richard
on 10. May 2017, 09:09 by saskia-daniela
Wohl eine verspätete Eiersuche ;)
on 10. May 2017, 05:35 by r45
Sehr schön!
on 9. May 2017, 21:12 by Richard
@Marcmees: I don't know. I have written in the forum that this problem occured. I assume the webmaster is looking at it. :-)
on 9. May 2017, 21:00 by marcmees
@Richard. How come I can't see the new sudoku in the list of unsolved puzzles, neither in the list unsolved sudoku. Got your newest one from the latest comments?
on 9. May 2017, 16:04 by ibag
Jedenfalls ein sehr schoenes Raetsel, auch wenn es noch versteckt ist. ;-))