Subsequent to our report on the PuzzleRun-App (see here) we present the second sample of the Logic Masters club. It is a Tapa, which develops on exactly one edge into a Dead-end-Tapa. This Dead-end-Tapa has exactly 7 dead-ends.
Each blackened cell is assigned to exactly one of the two puzzle types.
Solution code: For every row the number of dead ends. Dead ends belonging to the standard tapa count twice.
on 5. April 2017, 02:40 by sf2l
@Joe Average and R45. It took me a while but I got there eventually. Thanks.
on 4. April 2017, 17:42 by r45
@sf21: The Tapa-Wall (blackened cells) develops on exactly one edge (between two blackened cells) from Standard-Tapa into Dead-end-Tapa.
on 4. April 2017, 13:24 by Joe Average
your solution is not quite correct. You need to swap two tiles..... and then you'll have to look for a specific edge where you can separate the Tapa in two halves. One part has exactly 7 dead-ends, the other half (the standard tapa) has an undetermined number of dead-ends.