Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Loses Kalenderblatt 2017 (1/5)

(Published on 1. April 2017, 00:00 by April)

Complete Halt for PuzzleRun-App!

No one saw that coming. Yesterday, in the annual general meeting of the club Logic-Masters Deutschland e.V. the scheduled launch of the PuzzleRun-App has been postponed indefinitely. For weeks the puzzle community is now waiting on the new entertaining gimmick that helps to get to know the different puzzle types as well as to practice them.

The club particularly aimed for the young with that newly developed app. The puzzles pop up on the go and one is supposed to catch them and solve them subsequently. With appropriate practice they gradually increase in difficulty, and from a certain level onwards they morph into a variant of its basic type, sometimes even into a whole new puzzle type! After catching and mastering a couple you can meet other puzzlers and play them.

By virtue of unconfirmed assertions of an informant it is just the development of those basic types that causes troubles. Partially the puzzles are developing within a grid which is not at all intended in this form. Rumor has it that within a grid a Skyscraper puzzle that evolved in a “Manhattan” has been sighted. Currently it is also unclear if this unintended development is related to the solving speed.

Since we do not want to keep these little puzzle monsters from our readers, we called upon the club to publish corresponding examples soon. The club in turn sympathised with this idea and provides five little puzzle monsters. We will report on that today and in the following days.

The sequence starts with a Magical Spiral (digits 1-3), that evolves into an Easy as 123 (like Easy as ABC, but with digits) along its way from the outside to the inside.

Each digit belongs to exactly one of the two puzzle types.

Solution code: Row 5 and column 4, - for empty cells.

Last changed on on 26. May 2017, 15:33

Solved by tuace, Alex, jessica6, Toastbrot, AnnaTh, saskia-daniela, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, ibag, Senor Dingdong, cornuto, dm_litv, Luigi, r45, ildiko, Babsi, sf2l, ch1983, CHalb, Mody, marcmees, pokerke, jirk, ... pirx, ffricke, pin7guin, matter, Rollo, skywalker, zorant, SilBer, Nothere, sandmoppe, Matt, Thomster, pandiani42, Mars, KlausRG, adam001, Statistica, zuzanina, Krokant, ManuH, Quetzal, misko, 85392
Full list


on 5. April 2017, 00:58 by usp
OK. Wenn man beide Rätsel zusammennimmt, steht in jeder Zeile und Spalte jede Ziffer genau einmal ... damit ist es jetzt irgendwie aufgegangen.

Die Rätselidee (und die Geschichte) und die logischen Schlüsse gefallen mir. Aber das Regelraten hat mir den Spaß leider etwas genommen. Ich plädiere stark für einen zusätzlichen erklärenden Satz in der Anleitung, damit ich mit gutem Gewissen eine gute Bewertung abgeben kann ...

on 5. April 2017, 00:37 by jirk
..aber der Teil der Regeln, der sich nicht verändert, gilt auf globaler Ebene. Es ist also kein Permakulturrätsel.

on 5. April 2017, 00:16 by ibag
@usp: Die Regeln verändern sich auf dem Weg von außen nach innen. Es beginnt als magische Spirale, und ab einem gewissen Punkt geht es als Zahlensalat weiter.

Last changed on 4. April 2017, 23:46

on 4. April 2017, 23:45 by usp
Mir ist leider überhaupt nicht klar, wie die Regeln hier zu verstehen sind ... sowohl Zahlensalat als auch Magische Spirale verlangen, dass ich in jede Zeile und Spalte jede Zahl einmal schreibe ... egal, wie ich versuche das zu interpretieren, ich gelange zu Widersprüchen. An den Regeln zu rätseln find ich irgendwie nicht so toll, kann mich jemand erleuchten?

on 4. April 2017, 11:25 by dm_litv
@marcmees: Not correct, due to the hint "3" below C2.
Little swap will help :)

on 2. April 2017, 22:41 by ibag
@ildiko, flaemmchen: Lest doch nochmal die Anleitung.

on 1. April 2017, 22:12 by Toastbrot
Sehr schön! Interessant den Wechselpunkt der Rätselarten herauszubekommen.

on 1. April 2017, 14:30 by Alex

on 1. April 2017, 02:05 by tuace
Das kann ja was werden hier; freu mich schon drauf... :D

Rating:79 %
Solved:49 times
Observed:5 times

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