Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mehrdeutige Rätsel - Rundweg A

(Published on 1. April 2017, 01:04 by lupo)

A puzzle with numerous solutions is given. Find two solutions that are, according to a specific definition (see below), completely different.

Fences: Draw a single continuous loop by connecting neighboring dots along the dotted lines. The numbers indicate how many edges of a cell are used for the loop. The loop may not touch or cross itself, and it doesn't need to touch all of the dots.

Each cell has to be inside one loop and outside the other.

Solution code: For each row, the number of cells inside the loop. The solution whose code is lexicographically smaller comes first.

Last changed on -

Solved by deu, dm_litv, matter, tuace, pirx, jirk, pokerke, adam001, Alex, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, ibag, sandmoppe, uvo, sf2l, r45, ildiko, Mody, ch1983, Luigi, SilBer, Statistica, jessica6, moss, AnnaTh, flaemmchen, pin7guin, rimodech, zorant, zuzanina, CHalb, Matt, ffricke, Sonjas, rob, Quetzal, misko, athin, johnyzzh, EKBM, jkuo7
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on 3. April 2017, 17:38 by r45
Interessante Variante, sehr schön!

on 2. April 2017, 21:36 by ibag
Sehr schön! ;-))

on 1. April 2017, 19:37 by jessica6
Eingestellt am 01.04. um 01:04. :)

Rating:93 %
Solved:41 times
Observed:4 times

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