Mehrdeutige Rätsel - Heyawake 2
(Published on 8. February 2017, 10:01 by uvo)
A puzzle with numerous solutions is given. Find two solutions that are, according to a specific definition (see below), completely different.
Heyawake: Shade some cells in the grid, so that no two shaded cells can be horizontally or vertically adjacent, and all unshaded cells form one continuous region. There can never be a horizontal or vertical line of unshaded cells that crosses two region boundaries. A number given in a region indicates the number of shaded cells in that region; numbers may be shaded but remain valid.
Each region without number must contain different numbers of black cells in both solutions.
Solution code: For each group of diagonally connected shaded cells that touches the border of the puzzle, the number of shaded cells in this group. Start in the top left corner and go clockwise. The solution whose code is lexicographically smaller comes first.
Last changed on on 26. July 2021, 01:30
Solved by ffricke, zorant, Babsi, Voyager, pirx, saskia-daniela, adam001, Rollo, r45, Thomster, lupo, dm_litv, ibag, Statistica, Zzzyxas, pokerke, rob, Alex, jirk, matter, Luigi, AnnaTh, deu, ManuH, CHalb, ... zuzanina, HaSe, moss, Semax, marcmees, SilBer, usp, KlausRG, Matt, amitsowani, jessica6, sandmoppe, Schachus, Krokant, Joo M.Y, misko, Max Euwe, athin, Mark Sweep, Tonta, CJK, karzym, kishy72, EKBM
on 9. February 2017, 12:56 by Luigi
@uvo: Danke für den Hinweis! Da habe ich mir das Lösen des ersten Rätsels sehr einfach gemacht.
on 9. February 2017, 08:32 by uvo
@Luigi: Da nirgends steht, dass dies verboten ist, wäre das tatsächlich erlaubt.
Last changed on 8. February 2017, 19:34on 8. February 2017, 19:34 by Statistica
Dem kann ich mich vorbehaltlos anschließen...
on 8. February 2017, 19:28 by ibag
So machen sogar Heyawakes Spaß! Und das will was heißen ...
Last changed on 8. February 2017, 11:46on 8. February 2017, 11:46 by uvo
Sorry, hatte einen Zahlendreher im Lösungscode.