Mehrdeutige Rätsel - Hochhäuser 2
(Published on 11. January 2017, 11:42 by uvo)
A puzzle with numerous solutions is given. Find two solutions that are, according to a specific definition (see below), completely different.
Skyscrapers: Place a digit from 1 to 6 into each cell, so that each digit appears exactly once in each row and column. The digits represent skyscrapers of different heights; the numbers outside the grid indicate how many skyscrapers can be seen in the respective row or column from the respective direction (smaller skyscrapers are hidden behind higher ones).
No cell can contain the same digit in both solutions.
Solution code: For both solutions the marked rows; the solution whose code is lexicographically smaller comes first.
Last changed on on 26. July 2021, 01:25
Solved by pirx, cornuto, Luigi, tuace, adam001, ibag, flaemmchen, ch1983, matter, dm_litv, KlausRG, saskia-daniela, Rollo, Uhu, Alex, Voyager, AnnaTh, marcmees, Statistica, r45, Thomster, ffricke, CHalb, ... lutzreimer, rubbeng, JonaS2010, RobertBe, alex2015, Julianl, Joo M.Y, Nothere, StefanSch, jessica6, skywalker, Kekes, Krokant, amitsowani, martins, misko, Raistlen, Feadoor, EKBM, Realshaggy