Solution code: Die zweite und die fünfte Zeile von links nach rechts. X für ein Wegfeld und - für ein Leerfeld.
on 28. June 2024, 22:02 by Drawoon
on 4. November 2023, 21:13 by tretro
The hardest part was to understand the instructions. I.e., not every square of the small areas has to be passed and the way has the width of the squares and is not just a line.
on 29. November 2016, 08:30 by Eisbär
@ Voyager: That's the thing I was missing, it's a lot easier now :-)) I was a bit confused because there was stated "Feldmiddelpunkt zu Feldmiddelpunkt"...
on 29. November 2016, 03:35 by Voyager
@Eisbär: Consider the from the path used cells as a snake. Like in usual snake-puzzles this snake is not allowed to touch itself - n.e.d. With this kind of view there is only one solution.
on 29. November 2016, 00:41 by Eisbär
I think I'm overlooking something... I know there must be just one solution but right now I believe there are several?