(Published on 26. October 2016, 12:39 by uvo)
Place numbers from 1 to 24 into the grid, so that each row, each column and both main diagonals contain exactly two numbers; each number is used exactly once. The numbers outside the grid indicate the product of the numbers in the respective row, column or diagonal.
Solution code: For each row from top to bottom the number of empty cells between the two numbers.
Last changed on on 25. July 2021, 22:09
Solved by Luigi, CHalb, deu, moss, ch1983, matter, zhergan, ManuH, Uhu, Zzzyxas, pokerke, Voyager, Alex, Statistica, zorant, ffricke, jhrdina, ibag, dm_litv, marcmees, Babsi, Rollo, cornuto, flaemmchen, ... RobertBe, Mathi, adam001, pandiani42, pirx, Julianl, angelasteffen, amitsowani, lubosh, kopfball, Realshaggy, Joo M.Y, Circleconstant314, Raistlen, Jake2407, misko, Dugong, CJK, abadx, Onyx, drf93