(Published on 23. September 2016, 23:22 by zhergan)
Find a snake of length 44. Head and the tail of the snake are already predetermined. The snake goes from cell to cell vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally. The snake does not touch itself, not even diagonally. The numbers outside the grid indicate how many squares are used by the snake in that row or column.
Solution code: Row 2, followed by column 7. 'S' for snake, '-' for an empty cell.
Solved by dm_litv, Zzzyxas, deu, AnnaTh, Alex, sf2l, ibag, ch1983, rob, pokerke, NikolaZ, zorant, Joe Average, Matt, marcmees, ManuH, matter, marcel.h27, Uhu, CHalb, moss, gsabanci, zuzanina, tuace, ... Thomster, pwahs, usp, cornuto, Toastbrot, RobertBe, pirx, uvo, skywalker, Mars, jirk, alex2015, lupo, Nothere, jessica6, Mathi, Julianl, rimodech, amitsowani, cdwg2000, misko, Raistlen, helle