Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (157) - Sudoku Logical

(Published on 29. November 2016, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Sudoku Logical
Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. The following conditions must be true:

• F6 x 3 = G7
• F8 = G7 = H6
• C3 + D4 = 17 (seventeen)
• B8 < H8 < H2
• F3 < F1 < D1 < D3
• B4 + B6 = D2 + F2
• A4 + A6 + C6 = C4
• D7 + C8 = H3 + G4
• (D6 + C7)/2 = F4 + G3
• A52 + C52 + E5 = G5 x I5
• (E1 + E3)2 - E5 = E7 + E9
• G5 and I5 have the same parity
• E7 and E9 have the same parity
• I2 and I3 form a double digit prime number in the reading direction
• A7 and A8 form a double digit square number in the reading direction

Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Row 9, followed by column 9

Last changed on on 10. August 2022, 05:48

Solved by rcg, Joe Average, zhergan, tuace, Statistica, flaemmchen, AnnaTh, ManuH, Senior, azalozni, pokerke, Zzzyxas, deu, KlausRG, Luigi, zuzanina, Rollo, Mody, CHalb, matter, ch1983, HaSe, Alex, r45, WAW, ... ParaNox, bbutrosghali, misko, CJK, geronimo92, Greg, AMD, snowyegret, Angelo, cornuto, apwelho, Nickyo, PetLov, TomBradyLambeth, Nylimb, juventino188, mjozska1985, CGeom, GexTed, Hydalin, arteful
Full list


on 2. March 2023, 06:04 by TomBradyLambeth
It very nearly solves with a single change--making E5 and G5 the same parity as well instead of G5 and I5. Unfortunately, I found this out the hard way....

on 10. August 2022, 05:48 by Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

Last changed on 24. August 2021, 08:11

on 24. August 2021, 08:09 by Nick Smirnov
f-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yf5yczkr
CTC App link: https://tinyurl.com/2r4v56j7

on 18. May 2020, 20:18 by SKORP17
Mit dem richtigen Gitter ist dann auch möglich

on 18. May 2020, 17:27 by SKORP17
Hui wie gemein. Ich habe das Rätsel schon mal gelöst und wollte es noch mal probieren.
Aber es ging nicht auf, kein Wunder A-I bzw. 1-9 sind anders als bei Standard Sodukus angeordnet, das habe ich jetzt nach 3 Tagen bemerkt.

on 12. May 2020, 09:47 by Circleconstant314
@Richard: Oh, this entire series is GOLD! I love all of the puzzles in here so much, they're a delight.

on 11. May 2020, 20:22 by Richard
@Circleconstant314: Thanks for these kind words!
I hope that you had (slihtly less) fun with the 156 others as well. And that you also will have fun with the coming 100+. ;-)

on 11. May 2020, 13:16 by Circleconstant314
Of the previous 157 puzzles in this collection that I've done, this one is by FAR my absolute favourite. The joy of unravelling the logic in this puzzle was visceral.

on 12. June 2017, 06:45 by sandmoppe
Das lag lange bei mir herum, weil ich nicht weiterkam. Gestern noch mal hervorgeholt und gesehen, dass beim 3. Hinweis nicht I7 sondern 17 steht. Und schon ging es flüssig durch.

on 28. May 2017, 07:58 by Saskia
grosser Spass :)

on 7. January 2017, 16:54 by ibag

on 26. December 2016, 01:41 by pin7guin
Jetzt sind im Portal insgesamt 200.000 Rätsel gelöst worden.
- Das geht natürlich nur mit einem Richard-Rätsel!!! :-)

on 1. December 2016, 11:24 by Richard

on 1. December 2016, 09:57 by CHalb
A great contribution to the letter-L-part of the Encyclopaedia Sudocia aka SVS.

on 29. November 2016, 18:32 by AnnaTh
Ein sehr schönes Rätsel!

on 29. November 2016, 16:47 by flaemmchen
Toll, hat mir sehr gut gefallen - schön kniffelig, aber nicht zu sehr :))

on 29. November 2016, 16:12 by Statistica
na dann... ;-)

on 29. November 2016, 15:04 by Richard
Unfortunately I made I typo when entering the puzzle in the portal. I have corrected it now; Condition 9 was wrong. The solution code was and is correct. Sorry for the inconvenience... :-)

on 29. November 2016, 13:30 by Richard
@Joe: The puzzle has been tested, so I will look at the solution tonight.

on 29. November 2016, 13:26 by Joe Average
Mein Lösungscode wurde akzeptiert, obwohl ich eine der Bedingungen nicht erfüllt habe:
(D6 + E7)/2 = F4 + G3

Bei mir ist die linke Seite um 1 größer als die rechte. Fehler im Rätsel oder fasche Lösung mit zufälligerweise richtigem Code ?

on 29. November 2016, 12:54 by Richard
@CHalb: sure! I had to give my signature to this puzzle... :-))

Rating:93 %
Solved:102 times
Observed:14 times

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