Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Diagonal Windoku

(Published on 16. September 2016, 13:17 by surbier)

Numbers 1-9 occur only once in all nine rows, columns, 3x3 blocks, in both diagonals and in the four shaded 3x3 blocks.

Solution code: 3rd and 4th row

Solved by Luigi, lutzreimer, r45, ibag, tuace, Alex, dm_litv, ch1983, marcmees, Uhu, Richard, Zzzyxas, Marian, flaemmchen, Babsi, Carolin, KlausRG, Rollo, Joe Average, zorant, Statistica, Krokofant, CHalb, ... Thomster, crissu, Toastbrot, skypper, skywalker, sandmoppe, rcg, RobertBe, rubbeng, Julianl, NikolaZ, marsigel, swotty, jirk, rimodech, Kekes, cdwg2000, Realshaggy, SKORP17, Nusi, kkli, geronimo92
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Rating:81 %
Solved:72 times
Observed:14 times

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