Solution code: First enter the hidden word, then write the corresponding letters for row 4 followed by column 3.
on 2. July 2017, 10:36 by Saskia
Brauche Hilfe :) Ich habe beide Raetsel geloest und auch die Buchstaben durch Zahlen ersetzen koennen. Aber das Loesungswort ist mir ein absolutes Raetsel :S
on 21. January 2017, 19:22 by CHalb
Aber freilich muss man rechts immer mit "hoch 0" anfangen statt mit "hoch 1"...
on 21. January 2017, 18:59 by ManuH
on 21. January 2017, 18:50 by CHalb
@ManuH: Basis 8 heißt, dass die Zahlen nicht im üblichen Dezimalsystem notiert sind, sondern im Oktalsystem. Die Ziffern haben damit die Wertigkeiten von 8 hoch 1, 8 hoch 2, 8 hoch 3 etc. statt wie normal 10 hoch 1, 10 hoch 2, 10 hoch 3 etc.
on 2. August 2016, 09:56 by marcmees
subscribed to the forum today. suppose I will have to wait for registration before I can write a PM.
on 1. August 2016, 10:51 by pin7guin
@marcmees: You could write me a PM in the Forum.
on 29. July 2016, 12:11 by pin7guin
@marcmees: Startseite
on 25. July 2016, 16:52 by AnnaTh
Not as easy as they looked like. Nice puzzles, both of them.
@AnnaTh:Hi Annette. Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you liked them. Thanks for solving..
on 23. July 2016, 23:54 by Luigi
OK, thanks!
on 23. July 2016, 23:52 by zhergan
@Luigi: Hi Peter. All digits 0-6 must be converted to a different letter for the secret word.
on 23. July 2016, 17:57 by zhergan
Hi to all. I want to say something about the title. S in the title stands for "semis" which means "half" in ancient Rome. So "I S" will be equal to 1.5 in decimals. Let this be another hint for this one..