Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM 2016 - Leftover: Kropki-Kakuro

(Published on 24. June 2016, 20:16 by CHalb)

Put a digit (1 to 9) in each white cell and a natural number in each grey cell (full or half square). The hint numbers in the grey cells left and above each group of coherent digits in white cells give the sum of these digits. In such a group no digit appears more than once. If a hint cell is valid in only one direction (to the right or down), it contains no diagonal line.

If there is a white circle between two cells, the difference between the two numbers is 1.
If there is a black circle between two cells, one of the numbers in these two cells must be twice the value of the number in the other cell.
If there is no circle between two cells, none of these two relations is valid.

First puzzle of this kind in the portal: Kropki Kakuro Total



Solution code: Rows 4 and 9 (including the grey cells, no entry for the black frame cells)

Last changed on -

Solved by zorant, dm_litv, zuzanina, Zzzyxas, matter, tuace, ch1983, adam001, Alex, Joe Average, ManuH, pin7guin, ibag, deu, r45, sandmoppe, rimodech, uvo, Susie, marcmees, jalbert, Marian, derwolf23, ... Krokofant, skypper, sf2l, Thomas Meier, cornuto, ildiko, sternchen, saskia-daniela, verflixt, Laje6, pirx, Saskia, moss, bob, Julianl, Nothere, misko, louisa, HugoSimon, polar, Errorandy, helle
Full list


on 26. May 2020, 19:35 by louisa
Loved this one! Very fun

on 28. August 2016, 17:37 by sternchen
Hat Spaß gemacht - danke!

on 26. June 2016, 15:11 by Susie
Wenn man den Einstieg einmal hat, ist es wirklich schön. Danke dafür :-)

on 26. June 2016, 12:16 by Susie
Irgendwas Grundlegendes scheine ich zu übersehen. Ich finde und finde keinen Einstieg und bin ganz entsetzt über die nur 3 Sterne Schwierigkeit. Muss also an mir liegen. Oder geht es anderen auch so?

on 25. June 2016, 22:33 by pin7guin
Eine meiner Lieblingskombinationen! :-) Danke, Christian!

Rating:92 %
Solved:60 times
Observed:12 times

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